The blog will consist of a series of subjects concerning Conscious, Compassionate Living.


Most of us eat too much and eat the wrong things to support a healthy mind and body.

Food is the problem. Food is the solution. Food is our medicine.

We have forgotten this and food has become an obsession.

Greed and selfishness, together with a lack of interest/awareness about how the food we eat affects our own health and the very survival of our planet, is rapidly leading to a state of planetary destruction from which there will be no return unless we face the truth that WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for this impending disaster.

We quite happily call ourselves a “Consumer Society” but have you stopped to think how appalling that is? To “Consume” means to destroy - and our present society is certainly the most destructive since history began.

11 billion tons of food are produced each year and there are 7 billion people on this planet. What does that tell you? That there is enough to satisfy everyone’s need, but not everyone’s greed.

Simply by changing your diet you begin to change this precious world. By going vegetarian or vegan you massively reduce your share of environmental pollution and destruction and the exploitation of the world’s poorest people. You no longer contribute to the abuse and shocking suffering of billions of animals.

And even if you want to remain selfish and none of the above bothers you, then just consider the bonus: you will vastly improve your health and life expectancy!

October 2013

What would you do if you found a backpack containing $42,000 in cash and travellers cheques? Well, (as reported on BBC news 20th September) this happened to a homeless man in Boston. He turned it in to a police station. The owner was located and was so overwhelmed at the man's honesty that he started an online fund for him. Currenty this fund has reached in excess of $110,000 (£67,000).

The owner remarked "If we come together and work toward one thing, and work together, then we can make it happen."
So true!

So we might ask the question "How honest am I?"
with my money - e.g. no tax avoidance;
with my partner/spouse;
in all my communications with everyone, business and personal.

Can telling a lie (even a "white lie") ever be justified?


Sept 2013